Friday, May 18, 2012


ニューシングルリリース記念! Kドリームス様 よりご協力を頂き、『ぴすとっ☆』グッズのプレゼントキャンペーンを実施しちゃいます! ave;newオフィシャル通販で最新シングル 『My Sweet Lady / ぴすとっ☆SMILE♪ノンすとっP!!~輝け明日のスター大作戦~』 をご注文のお客様に、抽選で『ぴすとっ☆』豪華公式グッズをプレゼント!! 先着で皆様にお付けしております、オフィシャル通販限定特典CD 『baby,keep it love』もまだご用意がございます。 【特典の詳細・試聴はこちら!】「特典CD」+「ぴすとっ☆グッズ」ダブルプレゼントのチャンス!!皆様ぜひご利用下さいませ! 【ご注文はこちらから!】 ◆抽選対象・・・ 5月31日(木)までに、ave;newオフィシャル通販にて 『My Sweet Lady / ぴすとっ☆SMILE♪ノンすとっP!!~輝け明日のスター大作戦~』 をご注文のお客様 ※既にご予約を頂きましたお客様も抽選対象となります。 ※対象商品をご注文頂きましたすべてのお客様が抽選対象となります。 別途、抽選へのお申し込み等は必要ありません。 ※当選者の発表は、商品の発送をもってかえさせて頂きます。 ◆締切・・・ 2012年5月31日(木) 23:59 ◆プレゼント内容・・・ ○佐倉紗織サイン入りクリアファイル・・・10名様

Friday, May 11, 2012

Project Moe-Chan #2

Okay as for Today's Update. A lot of progress( or so they said) had been made since hta Project Moe Chan #1 last 2 or 3 weeks ago. ANd as for todays update, was teh rain bots. and how a normal rain bot can turn into something else. Following are the rain bot I use.
Its actually just a normal Rain bot that you deal with everyday. HOwever, in my eyes plus with whole lots of creativity of mine, I can almost do anything i want with it. The image showed was the starting poin of it. And You must have wondering, How is taht Blue line can be made. well its actually easy. Just roll teh paper( we used to do taht alot when we were a kid) then wrap it with a paper like fabric....( locally its called Craft fabric) its pretty much a plushy that we saw at the shop where they put it display. Those kind of fabric are pretty easy to get if you know how to look for it. The next picture was the shoe on how its done. This is how it looks like on front view.
This is the left and right side view of it
NEXT THING!!! was My beloved BAzooka. ON he Bazooka itself, Theres pretty much not that many progress on it..... Since I manage to think of idea how to make the Handle of it.... and i need to put the letters on the bazooka as well. WEll Any how here is it.
THe love bazooka din't have much progress though... HOwever the paint are on and i need to repain everything. WEll unlike last project(the Holy mace) I scrap the old paint and spray white base coat on it. However, This time i will use the white color paint and repaint the whole danm thing. In other words NExt update i will make it all white again and after that I will put the real color pain back. Well YOu must've wonde why i do that.... WEll the reason is simple. 1 of the reason was, I justwant to test the color of it, to see if its really getting along or not. And 2, well The color seems to getting along... However, THe pain ( at some place not getting along well with the surface... so i need to roughen that area using sand paper.)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Project Moe-Chan #1( side updates)

Okay... Before i include more updates into this blog in the matters of Few days, there is something i need to be clear to you all. MY Current Costume Prop Making project(The Moemoe Puruchu costume) or known only as Project Moe chan, are now kind of Hang over on something. The reason that is, Cause Recently I sold My phone I used to capture those images that i posted here. However, that will not stop me from Doing what i am doin now, making prop (slowly that is). The Love Bazooka's Itself (or so they said) are doing well.... well too well until there is something I remove from it. Okay here is the deal. On the last update of my props, on "Project Moe-Chan # 1" there is not so many progress made, Due to my Final College exam are kicking my ass as it is now, with my assignment still stacking up to my neck, and yeah. I got 1 ad habit, Despite those stresses(or so they says) Shove that to my face and the following is my expression
Yeah.. that is how i often will be and will always will be like that when ever I face something pretty nasty in my point of view. Okay back to my Topic, As for my Bazooka (or Love bazooka) there is few things i missing out on its process. What is it? well the 4" socket that i am suppose to put it at the back are in place now, and the top of that love bullets, are not with the ring that i self cut, for it to fit or stay in place (though there is lots of glue wasted on that part) xD. As for the paint, I will Pick the Tao Spray over the Crystal Acrylic spray paint. Thae reason that was cause Tao Spray give me the effects that i want it in its color(except for the blue on on my last project). AS for her Costume..... yeah I already make a little progress on it. I already stick it on a harden Fabric( I dunno how to called it). The thing is like this, its a harden paper like fabric, use to make some certain harder or more harder than it is.(kind of like Viagra for fabrics) xD. Anyway the name was called "kain keras bersama gam" or "Kain keras yang ada gam" (that is our Malaysian Sabah dialets) which means hard fabric with glu. You can gound it on badges or at the colar from a shirt or shirt that is made using very danm soft fabric. like a tuxedo(the white inner suit.
